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being happy


Being happy is not a matter of trying to find something to make us happy, it’s more about taking away what is making us unhappy.

Here are 5 things that are bringing you down:

Trying to impress everyone
Don’t spend your days trying to impress others, you will never be good enough. If it makes you happy  then that’s good enough.

Being afraid
You’ll be never be happy until you complete what you strive to achieve, so don’t avoid doing something that you really want to because you’re afraid of it. Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Nobody likes a moan and while you may think voicing your annoyance over something is making you happier it’s actually making you feel worse. Look for positives in things and avoid any negatives.

Criticising others
Putting someone down won’t make you feel happy, you’re simply putting your own negatives onto someone else. Stop it right now.

Dwelling on the past
You won’t find happiness looking to the past, instead look to the future and how wonderful things will be.



There is nothing like feeling happy to put you in a good mood! Here we debunk common happy myths to make you feel even better and ooze positive vibes!

Exercise makes you happy
This one is true, girls! All that effort of putting on your workout gear is worth it because exercise helps to release happy hormones. Even 30 minutes is enough to make you feel more positive – yay!

Negative friends will bring you down
Negative friends can bring you down, but you don’t have to let them. Just like their negative thoughts can affect you, your positives ones can rub off onto your friends.

You’ll be happy when you complete a goal
Unfortunately this one is not true! When you complete a certain goal, you’ll just strive for more. Try to focus on the positives now, otherwise you’ll never be happy.

You can buy happiness
Yes, yes you can! Time to buy a new pair of shoes, we think! However, don’t go overboard as your spending spree may cause you to feel guilty, thus spurring on negative feelings.
