So, this is why so many millennials are going under the knife

It's safe to say that cosmetic surgery has been on the rise in the past number of years.

From boob enhancements, to botox, fillers and nose jobs, it seems like everyone and their mother has got something done these days.

And now, this could be the reason why.

According to Nuffield Council of Bioethics, the reason so many people are going under the knife is because of social media.

The report looked at what influenced young people to consider cosmetic surgery, and the contributing factors included, "increased use of the rating of images of the self and the body [on social media], for example through 'likes'; the popularity of celebrity culture, airbrushed images and makeover shows; [and] the huge growth in the use of social media."

We can all admit that we get a tad jealous when we see a gal with the perfect booty or boobs online, but does it affect us so much that we want to change ourselves?

Apparently, so.

Image result for boob implants

The report further stated that "advertising and marketing widely reinforce the belief that beauty is correlated with happiness and success.

"Women in particular are surrounded by the message that they have a duty to 'make the best' of themselves."

Are you surprised by these findings?
