Seat sale: Ryanair just launched a HUGE sale with flights for €10
Longing to get away from the dreary winter weather we're having?
Then this news is bound to put a smile on your face – Ryanair is having a flash seat sale.
Fly to destinations like Paris, Edinburgh, London, Hamburg (and many more) from just €9.99.
Check out our Million-Air seat sale
We have 1 million seats from €/£9.99
Book your Winter break with Ryanair
— Ryanair (@Ryanair) October 22, 2018
Other destinations, including Paris, Berlin, Santander, Amsterdam, Milan, Nice and Athens, come with a ticket price of under twenty quid.
The budget airline tweeted about their sale, and while some were delighted to hear of the cheap seats, others brought up a racism controversy the airline is currently caught up in.
Over the weekend, footage emerged of a male Ryanair flight passenger verbally abusing a fellow passenger.
Will you be issuing a statement regarding the training or inclusion you promote as given the current issues you’ve had I for one don’t want to use an airline that condones racist and threatening behaviour. The passenger should’ve been grounded esp as he threatened violence.
— Leng Montgomery (@LengMonty) October 22, 2018
In the footage, a man in a window seat refused to sit next to an elderly woman of colour seated in an aisle seat.
The man hurled insults at the woman, told her he would push he out of her seat if she did not move seats, and called her an 'ugly black b*stard' before the flight took off.
When the woman spoke to him he responded, 'Don't talk to me in a f*cking foreign language, you stupid, ugly cow.'
When pressed for a statement to the footage, Ryanair tweeted that they had reported the matter to the police.