No way! Apple has FINALLY done what we’ve all been waiting for
We’d be the first to admit that we’d be lost without our phones, but between the scaldy battery life and the constant messages which insist we’re out of storage, that thing can REALLY get on our last nerve.
Thankfully, however, it looks like the good folk at Apple have finally wised-up and realised most of us would rather hang on to cherished snaps than scroll through the Stocks app. (Who'd have thought it?!)
Yep, those whizzkids over in the States are now allowing us to delete the default apps we never use!
But instead of taking credit for this welcome move at Apple’s Worldwide Development Conference yesterday, the tech giant waited until savvy Apple-lovers noticed that the default apps could now be purchased on the App store.
That’s right, ladies, if you can purchase them on the App store that means you can delete them too!
Oh, and if that wasn’t enough good news, those tech superstars have also unveiled iOS10 which, among other things, offers users even more flexibility when it comes to its Messaging service.
From instantly replacing words with emojis to sending handwritten notes, this is the kind of tech wizardry we can definitely get on board with.
Check this out.