Looking for love? Then you should probably head to your local library…

If you’re a bookworm, or your significant other tends to constantly have their nose in a book, then you may have just hit the relationship jackpot.

When it comes to picking their perfect partner those who love to read have an advantage. This is thanks to increased skills in empathy and ‘theory of mind’.

Gregory Currie is a professor of cognitive psychology at the University of Toronto. According to him those that invest their time in reading have a tendency to show greater levels of empathy.

They also possess a greater ‘theory of mind’. This is also known as the ability to hold opinions, beliefs and interests that don’t concern only themselves.

The habit of putting themselves in other people’s positions, which is developed through reading means readers are capable of using their levels of empathy to see things from other people’s perspective.

As well as making you a more considerate partner, it can also make you less likely to completely lose the run of yourself when that row over dirty dishes gets out of hand.

Another psychologist David Comer Kidd has added that:

"The ability to connect with characters they haven’t met makes their understanding of the people around them much easier."

So next time you’re being accused of ignoring them when you get lost in your favourite page-turner, perhaps you should maybe read some this info for them as a bedtime story.
