‘I know I’m not the last Harry Potter’: Daniel Radcliffe on reboots
Many of us who grew up with the entire Harry Potter franchise remember waiting in those incredibly long queues for the latest book to be released, eagerly sprinted to the cinema for the flicks and desperately trying to dodge spoilers about character plots.
We also know that once it gets rebooted, we're officially OLD. Daniel Radcliffe will always be our Harry, Emma Watson our Hermione, and Rupert Grint our ginger nut Ron.
The actor who played the title role has now confirmed his thoughts that the hugely popular franchise will be rebooted, and we're totally in denial. Please don't do this to us.

Radcliffe spoke to IGN about playing the boy wizard in the formative film series, sharing his affirmation that "some other version" of the movies will be created in the future.
"I’m sure there will be some other version of it. I know I’m not the last Harry Potter I’m gonna see in my lifetime – we’ve already got a few more in stage play Cursed Child."
The Fantastic Beasts franchise has kept the wizarding world alive (and is allegedly getting five films), as well as Pottermore and Harry Potter World. Radcliffe didn't rule out the possibility of a Harry Potter TV spin-off.
The actor recently revealed that the spin-off would be intriguing especially if it featured the Marauders- the name given to the group of friends featuring Harry's papa James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black.
The Marauders gang aren't alive before the final book or movie, the movie would presumably be a prequel. "I feel like there are other stories from that world that you could absolutely turn into a TV series, 100 percent," Daniel told TV Guide.
"A series with the older generation Marauders, that could be very cool." Amen, Daniel, Amen.
“To a certain extent with things like the play and Fantastic Beasts, I think people are still interested in talking to me about it, but nothing’s been happening in that area,” he told E! News in May of last year.
“At the moment, I’m very much enjoying playing lots of different stuff.” In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter he wouldn’t mind reprising his role.
“I’m never going to close that door, but I think I’ll be happy enough and secure enough to let someone else play it,” he said at the time.
Radcliffe's latest role sees him take on the part of a low-level angel in Miracle Workers who must convince God to let humans survive.
Feature image; palacecinemas.com.au