‘I deserve a statue’: #DryJanuary is taking a serious toll on Twitter
Dry January is in full swing, ladies, and as a result Twitter is awash with posts from people debating the merits of a self-imposed alcohol-free month.
And like every Twitter thread, it's a real mixed bag.
Whether they're dismissing the notion entirely or embracing it with all their might, the inhabitants of the Twitosphere certainly have an opinion on it.
The non-starters
I just do not understand the #DryJanuary thing. Why torture yourself further, in the most bleak & miserable month of the year when you can console yourself with a large glass of Malbec?
— Denise Evans (@DeniseKEvans) January 6, 2018
So how's #Veganuary and #DryJanuary going for you? Insanely fucking miserable yet?
— The Grump Crusader(@grumpcrusader) January 10, 2018
Being Scottish, I don't think I've ever known a #dryJanuary
— Rec Growth Network (@RecGrowthNet) January 12, 2018
The strugglers
Successfully survived my first boozy event of #DryJanuary without having any and I feel like I deserve a damn statue.
— Ayla Schermer (@AylaSchermer) January 6, 2018
The great thing about giving up booze as a previously heavy drinker is the simultaneous 'giving up sleep' that happens with it Only lasts a week or so but forgot how rough the first week was… #DryJanuary
— jack monroe(@BootstrapCook) January 4, 2018
Day 9 of #DryJanuary:
– Bored
– Confused
– Uninterested in social activities
– Wondering why no one does #DryFebruary instead so we have 3 less days of suffering
— MEGAN KOBER, RDN (@NutrAddiction) January 10, 2018
Day 4 of #DryJanuary and I already want to give up
— Lauren Buckley (@Laurenbuckley20) January 5, 2018
At what point can one claim to have 'done' #DryJanuary? Asking for a friend.
— Bacchus (@Bacchus_Baracus) January 4, 2018
Is it too early to quit #DryJanuary
— AlexCass (@alexcass1) January 5, 2018
5 days without a drink feels like a month already#dryjanuary
— hendy (@g_carlhendy3) January 6, 2018
Welp. I guess I'm not doing #DryJanuary anymore.
— Janie Haddad Tompkins (@janiehaddad) January 12, 2018
I am really trying to stick to #DryJanuary but my willpower is being tested today! #wineoclock
— Mary Coviello (@mecoviello) January 11, 2018
The embracers
I've taken quite a bit of shit for doing #dryjanuary, but It's 8:30 on a Saturday morning and I'm not hungover so suck it
— Patrick Scott (@PatrickScott_22) January 6, 2018
I’m at my wit’s end right now and a glass of wine would really help. But it’s #DryJanuary and I’m no quitter.
— Haley Brennan (@hmb1021) January 11, 2018
#DryJanuary update: 33% complete.
Wine is going to taste so good on Feb 1.
— GetOffMyLawn(@bishopwsu) January 12, 2018