Healthy snack options to satisfy every type of craving!
So the diet's been going well all day, until 3pm hits and all thoughts of healthy eating go out the window. You're in the mood for chocolate and those biscuits in the cupboard are looking mighty tempting.
When you've got a craving, it can be hard to ignore – but you don't necessarily have to eat something high-fat or high-sugar to satisfy it.
Here are a few suggestions of snack ideas to satisy each and every craving type.
1. The sugar craving
What you want: Something sweet. Haribo jellies, cake, whatever – just give me the sugar.
What to snack on: Tangy fruits contain natural sugars which are better for your body than processed and refined ones. Try some fresh pineapple for a real sweet hit, or some low-fat yoghurt with granola and berries. If you want something more substantial, frozen yoghurt is a great low-fat option – just stick to plain rather than flavoured yoghurt and choose healthier toppings like fruit and nuts.
2. The chocolate craving
What you want: Dairy Milk, Galaxy, last year's Easter egg, basically anything containing delicious cocoa.
What to snack on: A square or two of dark chocolate is far lower in fat and will satisfy you more quickly than milk or white chocolate. Stick to chocolate with at least 70% cocoa. A chocolate covered rice cake only contains around 60 calories so is another great healthy option. If you're after something really moreish, try light chocolate regular milk or soy milk.
3. The salt craving
What you want: McDonalds or a messy Chinese takeaway. MSG please!
What to snack on: Pistachios will still satisfy your salt cravings and they contain more antioxidants than other nuts. Plus, having to crack open a shell each time means you can't mindlessly eat three handfuls without realising. Pita chips and popcorn are other low-fat salty snacks that will get you through the worst of any craving!