Five things to think about before cutting your hair short
So you’ve been admiring Emma Stone’s new hair-do, and you start to wonder, “would short hair suit me too?” Don’t make any hasty decisions though, there are a few things you need to think about before you head down to your hairdresser:
Will it suit the shape of your face?
Not everyone can get away with short hair that skims their jawline. Bobs tend to make round faces look even rounder. However, apparently if you get it cut an inch or two below your chin it can elongate your face by drawing the eye downward, so think about a long bob instead. Long faces tend to benefit from short bobs, as well as heart shaped ones like Emma Stone’s. Square faces can pull off the bob too, but it’s better if it’s a more textured cut to disguise the wider points of the face.
Do you have time to style it?
Don’t believe the hype – short hair does NOT mean less work. It still sticks up in the morning, in fact, even more than before because it doesn’t have any weight to drag it back down again. Do you have time to tend to your tresses every morning, or are you throw-it-up-in-a-ponytail-and-run kinda gal? Because remember, bobs don’t do ponytails!
Do you need to be able to tie it up?
Do you work in a restaurant, a hospital, or somewhere you need to have your hair tied back for hygiene purposes? If you do, and you get your hair cut short, be prepared to invest in a LOT of hair clips!
Do you realise how long it takes to grow back?
Oh yeah, they all say “sure it’ll grow back” – but it takes AGES! If you have an occasion coming up in the next year that you want to have long hair for, then getting it cut now is not an option. Hair grows about half an inch every month. So it takes a lot of months to return to your former long hair glory!
Did you ever have it short before?
We don’t know about you, but despite having had short hair before and hating it, something inside keeps insisting that this time it’ll be different. This time it will look amazing! It won’t stand up in the morning and it won’t make your face look rounder than the moon! Try your best to block out that voice. Unless you have a different face this time around, there’s a good chance it’s not going to work out the way you imagine.