Dublin charity urges people to donate unwanted Christmas gifts
We can all admit that there are some Christmas gifts that we just dump in a drawer or under our bed for the foreseeable future.
The bath set gathers dust on the shelf and the blouse that’s too small is shoved in the back of your wardrobe.
One Dublin charity is urging the public to do something useful with these unwanted gifts by donating them.
We fail to realise that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Crosscare, a homeless charity, are asking the public to make use of their unwanted Christmas gifts by sending them to the charity.
Michael McDonagh of Crosscare said: “This simple idea has grown over the years and it is such a pleasure for our staff to be able to bring that small bit of extra cheer to people in our services with who struggle at this time of the year.”
They have vowed to put the unwanted gifts to good use by giving them to those less fortunate.
Crosscare have asked people to bring the gifts to St Mary’s Pro Cathedral in Dublin. They will then give the gifts to homeless people who avail of their help.
You have until January 6 to bring your gifts to the Pro Cathedral in Dublin.
You can make a massive difference to the lives of those less fortunate this festive season by simply donating gifts that will just be dumped in your room to Crosscare.
After all, it is the season of goodwill.