Does getting a hair cut make you want to CRY? Look away NOW!
Every girl knows the feeling, the fear of sitting down in that swivel chair and telling your hair dresser you only want a trim.
An hour later you lie, tell the stylist you love your new do, and subsequently leave and cry your self to sleep that night because you're now bald.
WARNING: If the above describes you, these videos may cause emotional trauma.
Our minds have been BLOWN lately with a number of videos going viral all over social media.
Studio Ardi, a salon in Kosovo, is becoming insta-famous for the way they handle their clients luscious locks.
In a number of instagram videos, women can be seen letting go of they're super long hair, through the use of an electric razor. NIGHTMARE.
The salon's 10,000 followers on instagram have reacted with both shock (so fair) and awe, one comment even describing the process as 'oddly satisfying' to watch.
According to a number of the salon's followers, after getting their perfectly symmetrical hair-cut, they opt to donate their left over locks to charity.
Typically hair can be donated charities in order to make wigs for people undergoing chemotherapy.
This is for a good cause, but absolutely terrifying
Would you try it?