Couch time! Here’s what you’ll be watching on TV this Christmas
Gone are the days when we'd wait with bated breath for the Christmas RTÉ Guide to find out what we'd be settling down to on TV that year.
Now, the listings are announced online too, and if you don't find the film you're looking for, well, there's always box sets, Netflix and more box sets.
Luckily though, our favourite Irish TV channels have come up trumps this year, and we reckon we'll be glued to the telly on those chilly Christmas nights.
Here's what you can look forward to…
Brand New Movies
Gravity, RTÉ One, Christmas Eve
Oz The Great & Powerful, RTÉ One, Christmas Day
Anchorman 2, RTÉ2
Lincoln, RTÉ One, St Stephen's Day
Les Miserables, RTÉ One, St Stephen's Day
One Direction: This Is Us, RTÉ2
The Classics
Home Alone 2, RTÉ One
Up, RTÉ One
The Commitments, TV3
The Quiet Man, RTÉ One
It's A Wonderful Life, RTÉ One
And a special mention…
Queen Of Ireland Christmas Message, Christmas Day, TV3
Ireland's honourary Queen of Ireland will take to our screens on Christmas Day afternoon to share her vision of 2016 with us. Even though it's long before the watershed we reckon there'll be a few risqué jokes in there. It is Panti Bliss after all.