5 thoughts everyone who went back to work today had


The Christmas holidays are OFFICIALLY over and we are all back to the grindstone. It wasn't easy but it's all over now…until tomorrow! 

Here are 5 thoughts anyone who went back to work today will have suffered through:

1. "Huh, I forgot what my alarm sounded like…"
Please don't make me get up. Please, please, please!

2. "The last time I drank was three days ago, HOW can I still be hungover?!"
It's like all of the Christmas time hangovers are ganging up on you on this hellish day.

3. "Hey, where's the Bailey's for my morning coffee? Oh wait, I'm not at home" *breaks into tears*
No more liquid brunches for you. 

4. "No no, I started my diet earlier, thanks. Um…are those Heroes? Sorry I thought they were Quality Street. I'll just have one."
And two, and three and…actually I'll just leave the box on my desk. 

5. "Tonight, I'm going to bed at 8pm and will be refreshed and ready for the day ahead."
New Year and all that.
