ANOTHER silly blunder happened in the Game of Thrones finale
First the coffee cup, which brand I refuse to name, and now this? It seems Game of Thrones can't quite escape the eagle eyes of its fan-base when it comes to errors made on-screen.
During the final episode of the eighth season, viewers noticed that a water bottle joined the infamous coffee cup that was shown in front of Daenerys Targaryen at Winterfell.
During a scene in which the group are literally deciding the fate of the Six Kingdoms (the North has gone solo, courtesy of Sansa), the blunder was in full view and it's pretty gas.
LMAOOO I CAN'T BREATHE THEY DID IT AGAIN First Starbucks now a water bottle this show is a joke #GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesFinale #TheFinalEpisode pic.twitter.com/9YaFF8Pnm6
— (@JonxDanyy) May 20, 2019
Things are getting thirsty down in King's Landing, is that Samwell Tarley that left his water bottle in full view? Also, plastic bottles are a big no-no since all the climate breakdown news has hit.
Get on board with reusable bottles, HBO, for the love of God.
Poor Sam was trying to educate the group of lords and ladies about this thing called DEMOCRACY and low-and-behold, the water bottle distracted the fans instead of his (shite) speech.
a water bottle in King’s Landing!! #got #gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/mwGQlsLwnh
— (@bethisloco) May 20, 2019
The show-runners will probably have to make yet another statement, after a takeaway coffee cup was seen amid the metal goblets during a Winterfell feast. Once again, HBO has room in their big budget for Keep Cups. Just sayin'.
Many fans have criticised the final season of the show for it's ridiculously rushed pacing towards the end, and destroying the arcs of many a character.
Over one million people signed a petition which called for a remake of the final season, and this certainly won't help David Benioff and DB Weiss win the GOT fanatics over.
Feature image: HBO/insane_aki/Instagram