This note found in McGowans has us all like, ‘what happened next?!’
Nightclub love can be an… interesting game.
It went from teen discos and 'meet me mate, yeah?' attitudes, to finding romance in the chipper on the way home.
Not your average fairytale, but what else are we supposed to do?
Well, if your anything like this person, and feel like your crush is slipping away, just pop her a note in the middle of the night to clear things up.
The infamous McGowans took to Facebook this morning to share a note that one of their cleaners found.
They captioned the post: "Cleaners found this earlier. I wonder did he/she go home with them? I'd be tempted for the grub alone."
And what exactly did the note say? You're all going to love it:
"If you come home with me I'll promise you won't regret it. I have Netflix and pizzas in the freezer and my ma will probably make us breakfast in the morning."
Can there be a better chat up line?
Since this morning, the post has received more than 1500 likes on Facebook.
We're not optimistic though, since the note was found in the bar. Did the recipient say no? Did they lose the note? Did their ma make them breakfast this morning?
We're dying to find out what happened.