This MUA is empowering people suffering from skin conditions
Now more than ever, women (and men) are embracing their insecurities, whether it be their size, hair colour or skin.
This is a message we support 100%, and we find it so refreshing when people support eachother and spread messages of support.
One lovely lady who is doing just that is MUA Bronya Humphreys, who suffers from facial eczema.
Bronya's condition, which she was born with, took a turn for the worse after she gave birth to her ADORABLE daughter.
Despite the fact that she finds herself dealing with her eczema every day – she still focuses on what she loves.
Makeup is Bronya's passion, and she is bloody good at it.
It would be easy enough for the mum-of-one to ditch the pursuit of makeup, due to the fact that it involves showing her skin off to the world.
However, she perseveres, refusing to let her condition get the better of her.
In a recent post on Instagram, Bronya spoke about her skin, and what it is like to live with such severe eczema:
'I have eczema. I have a skin condition. I have had so many hateful comments recently regarding how I look. When I wear makeup they say I'm fake. When I don't I'm a gross zombie. And can I just say, I am not my skin condition.'
She continued: 'I am a lovely, caring, beautiful human, and you don't deserve to even be on my page let alone be leaving awful comments on my pictures. All I want on my page is to promote self love. You are all fantastic.'
The talented MUA then reminded her 71,000 followers that they are all amazing, no matter what.
'You are all brilliant. Please. Please. Please. Ignore everyone who makes awful comments. YOU ARE AMAZING. Since I got a lot of followers I have had so many hateful comments. Just because I have a lot of followers doesn't mean I don't have feelings!'
'Basically what I'm trying to say is f**k anyone that shits on you. You are so much better than that. I love you all. Chin up. There's a lot of hate in this world but I'm there for you. Shoot me a message. I may take a while to get back to you but I'll be there for you.'
Now, that is a message we can get behind! Bronya, you are a KWEEN.