This blogger just tricked fans into thinking she got a ‘covfefe’ tattoo


So, earlier this week Donald Trump baffled the internet with a confusing tweet that quite frankly made no sense what so ever – or did it? 

The tweet has since been deleted, but mystery around ''covfefe'' remains.  

It seems that Trump may have been trying to type the word ''coverage'' but accidentally drifted off mid-tweet.

Hey, it happens to all of us. But at least we don't have 30 million Twitter followers watching our every move.

The president later responded to the confusion by challenging his followers to figure out the true meaning of ''covfefe''.

We haven't a clue, but do you know who probably does? Xiaxue, the blogger from Singapore, who stunned Twitter this week after posting a picture of what looked like the nonsense word tattooed across her forearm.

Fans were shocked and everyone was left asking the same question – WHY? 

We can all calm down though as it turns out the whole thing was a hoax and the blogger had actually cleverly drawn the tattoo using liquid eyeliner.

Speaking to the Press Association Xiaxue said, “I think the word itself is really cute and there was a lot of hype over it so I thought I’ll draw it to get a reaction.''

“The reactions have ranged from people liking it to people telling me I’m super stupid.''

“Meanwhile I’m just sitting here and enjoying the reactions.”

She also shared her theory about the meaning of ''covfefe'' saying, “I think it’s not a typo but a deliberate act meant to create conversation and buzz and at the same time humanise him.”

Perhaps the same reason Xiaxue chose to play the joke on her followers? Either way, she has us all fooled.
