Read Olivia Wilde’s brilliant reply to journo’s sexist comment
GQ’s Tom Carson is not a fan of the film Third Person, starring Olivia Wilde, Mila Kunis, Liam Neeson and James Franco. In fact, he said the only redeeming quality of the film was Olivia Wilde’s sex scene with Liam Neeson – which apparently made the fact that she was a writer seem very implausible:
“She’s supposed to be a writer too, but your belief in that won’t outlast Wilde scampering naked through hotel corridors once Neeson playfully locks her out of his room. With that tush, who’d need to be literate? Who’d want to?”
Eh, excuse us but did he just say that if you look good you can’t be smart?
Olivia Wilde took this sexist comment in her stride though, check out her reply below!
Girl power!