The 6 emotional stages of losing your make-up bag
“Let me just put on eyeliner and then we can leave- oh wait…”
Nope, no eyeliner for you today, or mascara, or blusher or concealer for that matter. The unthinkable has happened: You lost your makeup bag.
Commence complete meltdown. It happens, whether you’re a cosmetic junkie or you’re just out here trying to have a good time with a great contour, it can happen to you. There is nothing worse than the frantic scramble you do when you realise your beloved makeup bag is missing.
It can be an emotionally draining experience, we feel your pain.
First there's the panic:
Then there's accepting meaningless sympathies from your friends:
"Thanks Emily but you're NW25 and I'm NW30." Wtf Emily? Get it together gal.
So you try some quick DIY tricks, it works for internet people, right?
So you just have to admit defeat
You will get through this, we believe in you! Stay strong and hey, now you can re-stock your make-up collection, hurrah!