Stay strong! Today most people will give up their new year’s resolutions
We all began 2017 with the best intentions in mind, but at this stage our chaste new rules are wavering.
Today is the day that the world collectively looses it willpower and breaks up with its new years resolutions.
Guess who's already broke their New Years resolution: pic.twitter.com/dx2gBuOKJa
— Abigail Phelan (@phelanabigailxx) January 23, 2017
January 24 is the day we are most likely to throw it all away, so if your resolution is on the outs, just know that you're not alone.
Whether it's working out, ditching the takeaways or quitting smoking, a combination of frustration and boredom can make today the toughest to get through.
Counselling Psychologist Aisling Curtin has dubbed today "turnback Tuesday."
This morning I broke my New Years resolution of being 'petty free'…
oh well, maybe I'll try again next year ! :~)— samalamb (@Samalamaalabama) January 23, 2017
"Research shows that about three and a half weeks in, that's when were at the most danger of breaking resolutions or breaking any new habit or pattern that we want to engage in that's overall healthier and better for our overall wellbeing," Aisling told Today.FM.
So stick to your guns today, or that bikini body/organised house/dry January could all come crashing down.
Then again, you can always just start again for February.