Songs you should never to listen to after a break-up
Some songs should be avoided for about two months after a break-up.
They will make you sad and probably make you cry too.
Best not to be reminded. Always pack earphones in case they play in public too. Ugly cry in public? No thanks.
1. Adele ‘Someone like you’
Even Adele cried singing this at the Brit Awards and she wrote it. Rough stuff.
2. Jeff Buckley ‘Last Goodbye’
Oh, the pain in his beautiful voice.
3. Eric Carmen ‘All by Myself’
Do you want to be as low as Bridget Jones was when she sang this? No, no you don’t.
4. U2 ‘With or Without You’
Ross and Rachel’s break-up song. Enough said.
5. Anything by Celine Dion