Pass the tissues: this elderly couple shows us what true love is
What is true love?
When we're growing up it's all princesses and fairytales and happily ever afters. But as we get older we gradually start to realises that life isn't exactly a Disney movie- as much as we'd like it to be.
It's hard work, it's compromise, it's massive fights spurred by the fact that they forgot to take the bins out- again.
But mostly, it's the little moments. With massive bouquets and surprise holidays splashed all over Instagram, it can be easy to forget that love is in the little things.
This video is a testaments to that. 19-year-old Raigan Kelley was working as an apprentice hairdresser in Texas when an elderly couple, Andrew and Theresa, came into the salon.
Theresa had suffered a stroke 18 years ago, and was no longer able to style her hair herself. So her husband had come into the salon to learn how to do it for her.
“Proof that true love really exists,” Raigen captioned the sweet clip. “She can no longer style her hair herself and her husband insisted on learning how to do it for her step by step.”
We're gonna need some tissues.
Speaking to Babble, their son Steve said that his parents relationship had always been a special one.
“My dad has always worked his tail off,” he said. “He’s never expected or asked for anything. He travelled all the time as a salesman for an electrical company and gave everything he had to his family.
“Ever since my mom’s stroke, she’s always wanted him by her side.”
So for mother's day, the three children chipped in to get Theresa a voucher for The Foundry Hair Salon, her favourite. As delighted as she was with her new do, everyone knows that it only takes one wash for that fresh salon bounce to fade.
Sensing that his made Theresa upset, Andrew returned to the salon to enquire about the products they used. But realising what it was for, the hairdressers offered to give him a styling lesson instead.
“From products, to the way you hold the brush and dryer … truly one of the best things I have been able to witness in my life,” wrote Reigan. “Brought tears to my eyes … What an amazing man and what a lucky woman.”
The video has since gone viral, touching hearts everywhere with over two million views.
When Steve told his father about the videos success, he refused to take any credit.
“My dad said, ‘Don’t make this about us. It’s not about us — it’s about the Foundry folks helping us out,'” he explained.
Now THAT is true love.