So, these are the top 50 things we all miss most from childhood
There's nothing like putting on a pair of rose-coloured glasses and taking a stroll down memory lane.
As much as we love being grown up queens, we have to admit, it was pretty amazing being a kid.
A recent poll of 2,000 adults in the UK found that an astounding 67 percent wished they could be a child again.
Same, tbh.
However, that doesn't necessarily mean the poll's participants want to grow up in the current era of Snapchat and Facebook.
In fact, 58 percent said that it was better to be a kid 'back in the day' because they didn't need technology to entertain themselves, the Daily Express reports.
As far as what makes us feel little twinges of nostalgia, school holidays topped the list of what adults miss from childhood.
There was nothing like those days of freedom where it felt like you could do absolutely anything!
Hot summers were the second most missed thing about being a kid, according to the survey commissioned by Hollywood Bowl.
Who doesn't yearn for those sunny days filled with swimming and slowly melting ice cream?
Other things we pine for from childhood include everything from Enid Blyton books to having someone else wash our clothes (the dream).
Here's the rest of the 50 things we miss most from our childhoods:
1) School holidays
2) Hot summers
3) Playing outside with friends until the streetlights came on
4) Not having to work
5) Spending time with your parents
6) Family holidays
7) Going on the swings
8) Having someone else cook your meals
9) Penny sweets (that actually cost a penny!)
10) Weekends with no errands or chores to do
11) Having someone else wash your clothes
12) Celebrating your birthday as child
13) Having a friend around to play/for tea
14) Other people's birthday parties
15) Getting money from the tooth fairy
16) Pocket money
17) Enid Blyton books
18) Sleepovers
19) Having milk delivered to your door
20) Lego
21) Writing a Christmas/ birthday list from a toy catalogue
22) Playing football in the park for hours
23) Break time
24) Water fights
25) Making daisy chains
26) Playing Tag
27) Collecting stickers
28) Party bags
29) Playing Bulldog
30) Playing arcade games
31) Playing Stuck in the Mud
32) Roald Dahl books
33) Meccano
34) Sega Mega Drive
35) Nickelodeon
36) Sabrina the Teenage Witch
37) SMTV Live
38) Space hoppers
39) Live and Kicking
40) Going bowling
41) Inflatables in the swimming pool
42) Eating Coco Pops and Golden Nuggets for breakfast instead of muesli or porridge
43) Slush puppies
44) Gladiators
45) Ball pools
46) Nintendo 64
47) Soft play
48) CITV
49) Knight Rider
50) Macaroni cheese