These 6 factors are what help you decide what to eat for lunch

Hands up who basically thinks about their lunch the minute they finish their breakfast?!

Many of our days are based around food, but it turns out a lot of thought goes into choosing what we have for lunch.

A group of researchers decided to analyse the thought process behind how we decide what to eat once 1pm rolls around, and a few of the findings were pretty surprising.

Pasta penne with tomato and rucola

The researchers, from Canvas 8, asked 20 men and women from the UK about their lunch time preferences to discover why they chose the food they did.

Three of the biggest factors were convenience (38 per cent), taste (37 per cent) and price (35 per cent), which isn't really all thst surprising.

The next trend, which is a little bit more interesting, was the weather. If it was a sunny day, people generally went for something light, like a salad or a smoothie.

beverages, brunch, cocktail

However, if it was a damp and cold day (hello, Ireland!), then people opted for a heartier meal, like soup or creamy pasta.

But that's not all. Another factor that goes into the decision-making process is what colleagues and friends have for lunch (which includes going to a nice restaurant with your work wives once payday rolls around).

And last but not least, hangovers. Yep, hangovers also come into play, because if you're feeling a bit rotten from the night before, a carbohydrate-packed lunch is exactly what you reach for.

We can relate to that one.
