I’m 26 and I use collagen on my skin, and yes, you should too


We all struggle to drag ourselves out of bed in the morning, and get through a hard day of working without falling asleep.

Then comes the weekend, and all we want to do is watch Netflix, or go on the absolute tear with the girls.

There’s very little time in the week to be focusing on the future, let alone the future of your skin.

However, as easy as it is to forget about skincare – it’s so important to remember, trust me.

Sure, loads of us are lucky now, in our twenties, with glowing youthful skin that seems timeless.

Well, let me tell you ladies – it is pretty much down hill from here, and we need to arm our skin as best we can.

Image result for thalgo roll on collagen

That means going beyond the realm of washing and moisturising – we all need to be investing in the world of oils, primers, and even collagen.

When I say collagen, I automatically think about big, plumped up lips – but it’s different.

Women now, more than ever, are using collagen based products to help keep their skin plump and gorgeous.

Trust me, it works. I get asked for ID in every off-licence I visit, and I’m 26.

So, what actually is collagen, I hear you ask?

Well, allow me to hit you with some sweet, sweet knowledge.

Collagen is a long-chain amino acid (#Science) and the most abundant protein in the body.

It’s made up of the individual amino acids Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline and Arginine and in nature is found exclusively in animal tissue, especially bones and connective tissue.

Basically, it is what gives your skin elasticity, your hair its strength, and  your connective tissue its ability to hold everything in place.

However, a person’s levels of collagen lessens with age, hence the need to supplement those all-important supplies.

While collagen is beneficial to the whole body, it is most noticeably beneficial to your skin.

And there are actually a number of ways to replenish your collagen levels – thank GOD.

Many people take collagen in the form of a tablet or a little shot – but I prefer to just lash it straight onto my skin.

My latest beauty hero product? The roll-on collagen treatment from Thalgo. I’m obsessed.

The ultimate anti-puffiness weapon! The massaging, ice-cube effect of the three little metal balls and a concentrate of anti-puffiness, anti-dark circle and smoothing active ingredients makes the perfect little tool.

What I love about this product is the fact that it is easy to use, and a great starter for younger people trying to incorporate collagen into their routine.

Literally just pop it in your handbag, and roll it on when you think your face needs a bit of TLC.

And at  €33, it’s certainly cheaper than a full face lift!

10/10 would recommend to friend.
