How hitting the snooze button could actually be ruining your life


You know that sound that you hate more than any other sound in the entire world? The one that's basically the same as someone scrapping their nails on a chalkboard or someone scratching their fork across their plate?

That sound that you've grown to hate so much that just hearing it, even for only five seconds, immediately ruins your day? Yep, we feel extremely strongly about how much we hate the sound of our alarm.

Most peoples instant reaction is to… Shut. It. Up. Usually by just hitting the snooze to grab a few more Zzzzs in your bed which just got RIDICULOUSLY comfortable, before you have to face the real world, and worse, bare feet on the cold floor. 

But it turns out hitting the snooze is NOT a good idea. According to Robert S Rosenberg at a Sleep Disorders Center in Arizona: "When you hit the snooze button repeatedly, you’re doing two negative things to yourself. 

"First, you’re fragmenting what little extra sleep you’re getting so it is of poor quality. Second, you’re starting to put yourself through a new sleep cycle that you aren’t giving yourself enough time to finish."

But breaking up your good sleep into miniature naps should be OK yeah? Not so much, it seems. He continued by saying: "This can result in persistent grogginess throughout the day."

This means byt hitting the snooze, your setting yourself up for an unproductive, unpleasant day.

Sleepiness during the day can be a serious hazard while driving and leads to more errors in the workplace so this could hugely impact what you do during the day. 

He explained that the reason we're hitting the snooze to often is because we're not getting enough sleep. Adults are recommended to get eight hours sleep a night, but most only get around six. 

Going to bed earlier is difficult, but the first step is putting down the smartphone. According to Elite Daily, "the blue light emanating from these devices disrupts our circadian pacemakers and contributes to insomnia."

If you find yourself constantly hitting snooze, that's just a warning that you need to go to bed earlier put down the iPhone, close the laptop, Instagram can wait until morning, get into bed, read a book and start winding down.
