Groggy until lunch-time? Time to ditch THIS classic morning habit

There are some people whose feet hit the floor the moment their alarm sounds in the morning… and then there's the rest of us.

Setting multiple alarms at night before desperately stabbing the snooze button the following morning is as regular a routine for many of us as brushing our teeth and losing our keys.

If, however, giving yourself those extra few minutes in bed rarely has the desired effect, it's likely you've fallen victim to sleep inertia.

According to ASAP Science, regularly using the snooze button has a woeful effect on your body's sleep cycle, and if you immediately fall back asleep after going for the ol' 'snooze and roll over' move, you're setting yourself up for a day of despair,

Each time you press snooze and go back asleep, you delay the wake-up process, confuse your body and are forced to endure even more sleep inertia as the day progresses.

Thankfully, this groggy feeling – which many of us have become accustomed to – lifts throughout the day, but if you want to see the back of it forever, the experts suggest you pretend the snooze button doesn't exist. 

We can't promise we'll try, but we'll TRY to try.
