Go Jesus, it’s yo birthday! A ‘hipster’ nativity scene is here & it’s glorious

We're so used to seeing the classic nativity scene in our mother's and granny's houses, so wait until you lay your eyes on this hipster version.

We admittedly laughed out loud when we saw this, just because it's so… millennial.

Joseph is perched down in the manger holding up an iPhone to take a seflie with Mary and their new baby, Jesus.

Mary is posing like the ultimate 2010 girlo, with a duck-face and peace sign, while holding a Starbucks cup.

But best of all is the three wise men, who are on Segways holding Amazon parcels.

Oh, and the sheep is wearing a Christmas jumper!

If you fancy having this little rocket of a nativity scene in your house, you can buy it here.
