Five foods you should definitely pack for a festival

We’re so excited about all the festivals coming up this summer – and while you may have spent days planning your outfit, one thing that often gets forgotten about is how you’re going to keep yourself fed over the weekend.

No one wants to fork out a fiver for a burger, so be smart and bring food that you can easily snack away while watching your favourite act too.

Pasta salad
Prepare a healthy pasta salad in a tub and keep it in a freezer bag (or outside the door of your tent – it is Ireland after all). The carbohydrates will give you energy and add some veg to get your dose of vitamins.

A slice pan is always a welcome food source at any festival. Even if you forgot to bring a knife to spread the butter, you will thank your lucky stars that you remembered the slice pan when you wake up after a particularly late night!

Hard boiled eggs
A must have at any festival – eggs are loaded with protein and good fat. Get them into ye!

Cooked chicken drumsticks
Cook some chick drumsticks before you go and put them in re-sealable plastic bags – this way you can turn the bag inside out and eat them without getting your hands all messy!

Well, you’re there to have fun right? And you need to keep your blood sugar up, obvs.
