Emergency contraception still available during Covid-19 crisis
As Ireland continues to introduce measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic, women are reminded that pharmacies across the country remain open and continue to offer access to emergency contraception.
Emma Marsh, ellaOne Senior Brand Manager said: “While members of the public are advised to follow the HSE’s guidelines on reducing the risk of coronavirus during sex(1), and to continue practising safe sex, it’s important that women are aware that emergency contraception continues to be available if they find themselves in a situation where it is needed.”
The morning after pill is available for women to access through their local pharmacy without a prescription, and is free of charge for medical card holders.
“It is a concern at this time that some women may decide not to take the morning after pill after unprotected sex, and risk an unplanned pregnancy, as they are reluctant to attend the pharmacy at this time.”
“Women are advised to call their pharmacy in advance or to use pharmacy Click & Collect services, which a number of pharmacies have been offering for the morning after pill since February 2020. This will help to limit time spent in store.”
For further information on emergency contraception and access to the Morning After Pill Click & Collect service visit www.ellaone.ie