Considering a tattoo? THIS app shows you how you’d look with one


If you've spent hours daydreaming about the perfect tattoo, but have yet to bite the bullet and actually get inked, then this app may be exactly what you've been looking for.

According to the Daily Mail, InkHunter was the product of a 48-hour hackathon in July 2014, and while it has been available on the app store for almost a year, a new version, which makes it a lot easier for the general public to use, was launched just yesterday.

Created by Oleksandra Rohachova and three co-creators, this free app lets you choose a tattoo from its library or create your own design before seeing how it would look on your own bod.

After tweaking the tat to your taste, you can save the image to your camera roll so you're fully prepared if you DO decide to take the plunge and present the picture to a real-life tattoo artist.

If you're all about the inking, but don't want to appear on E4's Tattoo Fixers any time soon, then it sounds like this could be the perfect solution!
