‘Been up for 61 hours’: So, Chris Pratt really, REALLY loves his job
As movie stars go, Chris Pratt definitely seems like he's got his head screwed on somewhat.
He's openly spoken before about how tough he had it financially in his early days as a struggling actor, admitting that he lived out of a van in Hawaii before getting his first movie role.
And even now, with two big movie franchises on the go – Jurassic Park and Guardians of The Galaxy – Chris seems determined not to get too complacent.
Posting after a long day of shooting on two separate films at Atlanta's Pinewood Studios, the father-of-one made it clear he wasn't taking his good luck for granted.
"Fifteen years ago I felt the same passion I feel today, but I had very little opportunity," he wrote.
"I had to hustle hard and go hungry. I had to eat sardines and figure out how to get gas money.
"And I never had a plan B. I never stopped believing. Ever. Don't give up. Apply constant pressure for as long as it takes.."
And even after 21 hours on the go, Chris still had some fun, throwing out random figures about the length of time he'd been awake for.
"It's 3:20am. I got picked up for work at 6:45am yesterday. I'm not good with math, especially after being up for approximately 61 hours but I think I've been up for over 77 hours," he joked.
"I did a table read for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 this morning and then shot all day on Passengers and just now wrapped some 144 hours later."
We're not sure we'd be quite so chirpy after 21 hours of working two jobs back to back…