8 things you know to be true if you love your bed more than life itself
There are few things we truly truly love in this world, but our beds are up there on the list along with our mammies and our dogs.
Some of us are just emotionally attached to our leabas, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Here's a few home truths that us bed lovers can totally relate to:
8. There is nothing you can't do in bed.
And no, we don't mean that in a sexual way (or maybe we do, who knows?)
What we actually mean is, you could write a thesis, cook a four-course meal and raise your first born all from the comfort of your own bed if you had the opportunity.
7. Sometimes you like your bed more than the people you live with.
On that never-ending bus commute home from work, we're more likely to think longingly of seeing our comfy beds than seeing our parents/boyfriends/house mates.
Sorry, not sorry.
6. Seeing your bed at the end of a long day brings a sense of euphoric joy.
We can only imagine that the feeling we get when we lay down on our beds is the feeling that most people have on their wedding days, no?
5. You spend an embarrassing amount of money on your bed.
Every time Penneys gets a new homeware collection, you're straight in there getting some new matching duvet sets, fluffy throws and decorative cushions.
Because it's important to invest in the things you love, right?
4. Going to bed early is the bomb.com.
You cannot beat the feeling of snuggling up early in bed, knowing that you have the opportunity to get a good snooze or even spend an extra hour scrolling mindlessly through Instagram before hitting the hay.
Either way, you get to spend more time in leaba land so it's a win-win.
3. Sometimes, you don't even want to go to sleep because then your time in bed will be over
Seriously, sometimes we dread the gentle lull of sleep because we know that then it will be all too soon time to wake up.
It's a conflicting glass case of emotion.
2. Getting up in the morning… we can't even.
Leaving the toasty burrito of blankets that is bed in the mornings is torture.
If we could wear our duvets for the day, we would. Don't try us.
1. Waking up early on a Sunday morning…
…but lazing in bed for hours with tea, a book, the radio or a good movie is what we can only imagine heaven to be like.
Seriously, don't even try to move us from our blanket nest.