6 mistakes we all made when we started going out
Turning 18 and finally being the legal age to buy alcohol is a huge milestone in our young lives, but with that, comes a lot of funny and interesting mistakes we made at that age! Here are a few of them!
1. Thinking you’ll automatically get in everywhere just because you’re finally legal
Unfortunately now we get the bouncer’s excuse of STILL being too young and/or being too drunk (do they not know we’re students and cannot afford the drinks inside the club?)
2. Spending wayyyyyy too much money
When you started going out you went overboard on new outfits, taxis and a few cocktails beforehand. At this stage, a night out consists of whatever outfit you don’t have any pictures on Facebook wearing, trying to get a free rickshaw from on Grafton Street and trying elaborate ways to sneak a naggin of vodka into the club!
3. Discovering that the person you kissed isn’t as good looking as you thought
You learn that the person you spent the night kissing isn’t as good looking as you originally thought, when you Facebook stalk him the next day. You decline the request and swiftly try to move on with your life.
4. No night out is complete without the banter in the take away afterwards
Making best friends with other people in your college is essential to cheapen the taxi fare home.
5. Realising you’re a complete lightweight, but not letting that stop you
Realising you’re a complete lightweight, but powering through the night in order to keep up with your friends and save face. It’s such a terrible mistake, but we were young and drunk at the time.
6. Losing your prized possessions in a drunken stupor
Finally now you understand that the best possible outcome from a night out is you return home with your phone, purse and preferably no hangover the next day.
via our content partner CT