4 easy funky and stylish hair looks in under 10 minutes
Jealous of your friend’s ability to have amazing looking hair, even at the crack of dawn? Well, now it’s your turn! Here are four really easy ways to style your hair and all you need are a few bobbins and bobby pins – no hairspray required.
Fancy knot
Divide your hair into two sections as if you are going to put it into pigtails. Tie the two sections together and pull it tight. Tie again and secure with bobby pins.
The plaited knot
Put your hair in two pigtail plaits at the back of your head. Just as above tie the two plaits together and secure with a few pins
Keep your pony tail up
Ever wondered how girls keep their ponytail pert looking? The secret is simple – pop three bobby pins underneath your pony through your bobbin. Ta-da!
The front roll
Grab a section of your hair at the front. Pull it to the side, twist it tight and secure just above your ear with, yes you guessed it, a bobby pin.