Sorted! The 5 foods that will actually help to BOOST your metabolism

So, what exactly is the metabolism? To put it simply, it describes the energy your body needs to keep you alive and perform actions such as growing, breathing, repairing cells and digesting food.

Some people need a lot of calories while some can survive on very few. The amount of calories you need is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and not everyone's equal when it comes to calorie needs.

Several factors influence your metabolism: your age, body weight or gender (a young male usually burns more calories than an older woman for example), but it also depends on your level of physical activity (the more muscle you have, the more calories you spend) and what you eat.

 And, as it happens, some food can actually help you boost a sluggish BMR. 

Simply put, including these healthy foods to your diet can help you burn more calories on a daily basis.

1. Lean meat

Chicken or turkey breasts, beef fillet: lean meats are high in iron.

Although a lot of women suffer from iron deficiency especially during their period, this mineral is essential to your health and a lack of it can slow your metabolism. 

2. Mussels 

Like most seafood, mussels are also a great source of iron.

They are a good and cheap alternative for people who don’t like or don't eat meat to get their daily iron intake. 

3. Spinach and leafy greens

Greens are a great source of magnesium, a mineral that boosts your metabolic rate.

Adding a handful of greens to your meal is a good way to make it healthier.

4. Cayenne pepper

And spicy food, in general!

Thanks to its active ingredient, capsaicin, spicy food enhance blood circulation, increase body temperature and therefore stimulate the metabolism. 

5. Good fatty acids

We are talking nuts, avocado or olive oil here.

Fatty acids help make you feel fuller and enhance vitamin absorption which leads to a healthy metabolism.

BONUS: Water

If you are not properly hydrated, your metabolism slows down.

Another good reason to stick to those eight glasses a day, right?

