What actually happens when you decide you need yoga in your life

Ah yoga. The practice is supposed to allow to relax and refocus. Well, that is what is supposed to happen. A lot of the time though, we find ourselves feeling a little less zen and a touch more flustered.

Most of the die-hard yogis will never admit it, but there are plenty of borderline mortifying things that are bound to happen whenever you take to the mat. Such as…

You try to imagine how flattering those yoga pants are when your being a ‘warrior’:

Which leads to you then having a creep on the other ladies/men in your class:

‘Stretching up to the sky like a proud tree’ can lead to the realisation that you may have forgotten to shave your underarm area:

You feel a bit courageous and hold a tricky pose for an extended period:

Then realise no one is supposed to bend this way and fall out it:

But you quickly brush it off as a ‘recovery stretch’. Smooth:

The underwear situation can be a bit… unpleasant:

Your yoga teacher might go a little too far with the metaphors, for example:

You will discover the joy this is Shavasana, basically adult-napping:

