Upcycling your empty vases


Hayfever suffers and those without green fingers are not likely to have flowers in their vases, but that doesn’t stop people giving them to you as gifts.

However, before you leave them to sit and gather dust, try these amazing upcycling ideas:

Use it as a utensil holder
Give some life to your vase by filling it with kitchen utensils, like wooden spoons and spatulas. Not only will your vase be put to use, but you will also add new life to your kitchen.

Candle holder
Fill your vase with stones and place candles on top. Put your vase on the kitchen table to work as a pretty centrepiece.

Fill with sweets
Surprise your guests by filling the vase up with sweets and let them munch away. This works really well is the vase is an unusual shape.

Use as a cake stand
Turn your vase upside down, secure a plate to it and place your cake on top. A creative cake stand idea that your guests are sure to be amazed by.
