This video of people dancing to Vengaboys will bring you JOY

If there's one song to get us on our feet it definitely has to be Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom.

The song always makes a resurgence every couple of years, and this weekend a few lads from Gloucestershire in the UK decided to belt it from the rooftops.

The literal rooftop of their car, that is…

Driving by the streets of Cheltenham, the friends blasted music from speakers which were strapped to the roof of a car.

They played the iconic Vengaboys track and reminded us that, sometimes, all you need to a bit of 90s pop to bring everyone together.

One of the men behind the impromptu street party was Kieran Chapman, and he said that his friends just wanted to unite everyone.

“We were just messing about, and we thought we would do something to bring people together," Chapman told Gloucestershire Live.

"One of my friends is a DJ so we put some speakers on the roof of my car. So we drove around and people started to dance when we stopped. They were jumping on my car, but I didn’t care – there was no damage.”

The lads went on to play a few more tunes during the night (look through the comments), and we have to say, we wish we were there.

And in case you're interested, the Vengaboys totally approved.
