This twitter thread has comical comparisons & we are LIVING for it

Every so often, Twitter offers up some absolute pure gold and this thread is on fire.

This trend has the trusty old handshake emoji linking unlikely things, that share a common factor – and they're hilarious.

Get ready to laugh and cry as they're relatable AF. 

And f*ck em both, you are good enough gal, but we've all been there.

The relationship memes just keep rolling and all us single folk know this one a little too well.

Hilarious – sorry dude, but think before you click and send – ain't nobody wanna see that. 

Ever heard of a portable charger – you're welcome.

Some got political and came for the anti-vaccinators and we aren't even mad – they're brilliant.

And then you've got the dark but accurate side of Twitter – pumpkin pie, anyone?

And cue the animal references because deep down we are all cocker spaniels – spirit animal…

I'm allowed to poke fun at vegans because I am one – and there ain't nothing wrong about being proud of that – preach it. 

And then back to relatable AF… their fries are just too good.


The thread is bloody brilliant and gets a massive thumbs up from us. 

That's enough Internet for the day though – I'm off to eat some vegan pumpkin pie. 
