Star found asleep in mall amid claims she has nowhere to live
Every visit to Amanda Bynes’ Twitter account leaves us sadder and sadder.
In the latest controversy surrounding the troubled star, she was photographed sleeping on a couch in a shopping mall amid her claims that she cannot afford a place to stay.
The 28-year-old took to Twitter to explain the situation, while simultaneously blasting her parents for holding conservatorship over her.
She tweeted: “I was not given money for a hotel so I have been staying with friends and I didn’t get enough sleep last night so I feel asleep on a couch…@ the Beverley Centre, and a paparazzi snuck in and took pictures of me FYI!”
The actress was back to bashing her parents as she continued: “I hate my parents for still not giving me money for a hotel…What is wrong with them?”
What is wrong with them? My lawyer is working to have them fully removed from being my conservator, because they don't deserve control over
— amanda bynes (@amandabynes) November 6, 2014
my money – They are miserable in their life and I will fight to get control of my finances taken away from them !
— amanda bynes (@amandabynes) November 6, 2014
Amanda then vowed to fight with her legal team to regain control over her finances.
Meanwhile, reality star Heidi Montag has made a rather generous offer to Amanda, tweeting that she could stay in her place if she so wished.
“You are more than welcome to crash in our guest house in Santa Barbara if you need somewhere to stay! DM me!” wrote the former star of The Hills.
We wonder if Amanda will take her up on the offer?