So, it turns out your periods actually DO get worse in the winter time

Let's face it, periods are pretty awful at any time of the year – but why, oh why do they seem to get so much worse in the winter time?

It's not enough that we're one missed bus away from developing frost bite – oh no, we've now got to deal with a whole new level of cramping and bloating as well.


Speaking to, Dr Preethi Daniel, Clinical Director from London Doctors Clinic explained the science behind the annual phenomenon.

“As the days are shorter and darker, your mood can be adversely affected and add to that the monthly roller-coaster of hormones that arrive with your period and it can all seem even bleaker,” she said.

Our tendency to stay indoors and eat everything in sight isn't exactly helping thing either.

“Sunshine helps us make vitamin D and dopamine, both of which boost mood, pleasure, motivation and concentration,” she continued.

“Furthermore, winter means we spend more time indoors and we move less and eat more. This can have a bad effect on premenstrual symptoms as it has been found that women who are more active had much more regular and manageable cycles than those that hardly worked out.”

And that's not even the half of it.

Research has shown that women tend to have shorter menstrual cycle's in the winter, meaning you'll get, you guessed it – more periods.


While slight seasonal changes are normal, Dr Preethi did point out that persistent changes should be examined by a doctor.

“If symptoms of low mood are so bad you cannot motivate yourself to go to work or enjoy the things you usually do, you should consider whether this is seasonal affective disorder or depression,” she explains.

“It is worth speaking to your GP about this. Certainly, if you are not getting any periods at all during the winter months, again this can be abnormal and needs looking into. Heavier periods can cause low iron and anaemia and this should also be investigated by your GP.”

Roll on summer!
