THIS daily decision costs women six months out of our entire lives
We all know what it's like to stand in front of a bulging wardrobe and still feel like we've absolutely nothing to wear, but have you have wondered how much of your life you actually spend doing it?
Well, thanks to the good people at Marks & Spencer we now know the answer.
According to Cosmo, a survey of 2,000 British people found that on average women spend 17 minutes per day deciding what to wear.
That doesn't sound too bad until you learn that 17 minutes per day across your working life equals a whopping 6 months of wardrobe-related stress.
And speaking of stress, 62% of women surveyed admitted to throwing "irrational tantrums" while trying to pull an outfit together – while one in five have rowed with their partner during the process.
On top of that, the survey found that the average wardrobe is made up of 152 items – of which less than half is regularly worn.
And, as you'd expect, 20% of people complain regularly about having nothing to wear.
With all that extra clutter, what do we really expect?