Positive change: Six resolutions for 2017 to boost your mental health

New year, new you and all that malarky but January does provide a clean slate and a chance for you to set yourself some goals. 

One thing we all should pay a little more attention to is our mental health.

We've set ourselves six New Year's resolutions to encourage better mental health and we think you should join us.


Stress, mood swings and a lack of energy are all linked with our mental health.

Being aware that something is wrong is the first step in solving the problem.

If you had a cold for over a week, you’d go to the doctor.

If you’re feeling uneasy or upset for long periods of time, ask for help.


Our bodies cannot perform properly if we do not get enough sleep – that also applies to our minds.

A good night’s sleep helps restore our bodies and brains and is incredibly important when it comes to maintaining a healthy mind.

Avoid tea and coffee in the evenings and try to wind down at least 30 minutes before the big snooze.


A healthy diet is extremely important when it comes to both your physical and mental health.

Changing a few things in your diet can increase your energy, boost your mood and even help you get a better night’s sleep.

Try and eat as much fresh food as you can and you'll notice a big difference.


While it’s natural to feel guilt, hanging on to it can have negative impacts on our mental health.

Beating yourself up constantly for something that is in the past only makes the road to recovery that much longer.

Try and take a step back from the problem and look at is for what it is.

Appreciate that you’ve learned something from the experience and try to stay positive.


Loneliness is one of the most intense of human emotions. Feeling disconnected from others can leave you dwelling on negative thoughts.

Make sure to make time for your friends this year. Making plans in advance or even setting up a schedule is a great way of making sure you don't neglect the important relationships in your life.

Not only is this good for your social life but it is sure to have you coming away feeling a lot happier and more positive.


It might sound a little new age, but meditation is really all it’s cracked up to be.

Meditation is exercise for the brain and it encourages relaxation, calming and focus – all of which are great for our mental health.

While you may be a little intimidated to give it a try, there are tonnes of apps available to talk you through your first time and introduce you to the world of zen.
