Modern Family star finally granted restraining order against ex
It was revealed last month that actress Sarah Hyland had applied for a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend Matthew Prokop.
In her application she stated that he had threatened her and abused her, both physically and verbally, on a number of occasions. The couple were together for nearly five year before splitting up in late August.
Sarah's now been granted a three-year restraining order against her ex, with all the conditions she requested. Matthew must stay 100 yards away from Sarah at all times and must not approach her house or her place of work. He is also not permitted to own a gun or to threaten or attack her dog Barkley in any way.
After Matthew's recent stint in rehab, it was reported that the director of the facility suggested the possibility of a restraining order to Sarah. The actress' lawyer said in an interview that "the documents filed speak for themselves."
Sarah has been quiet about her break-up controversy on social media, with no mention of it so far. Matthew has stayed silent on both Instagram and Twitter since mid-August, though his profile picture still shows himself and Sarah together.
We hope Sarah can come out the other end of this and move on!