Leonardo just casually mentioned that he’s signed up to fly to MARS
So it appears Leonardo DiCaprio is going to Mars!
Leo was in the White House on Monday with Barack Obama and Dr Katharine Hayhoe to talk about his views on climate change.
The conversation turned to politics, his new movie and… Mars.
Yep, Dr Katherine started to joke about taking the human struggle to another planet, and then questioned the sanity of people who signed up to Elon Musk-crafted trip to Mars.
Scientist Elon Musk wants to try to set up a colony of people on Mars by sending 100 humans up there on a huge spacecraft.
"As long as we haven't signed up for the trip to Mars. I don't want to know if anyone has. I think you're crazy."
Leo sensed this was the right time for a Martian announcement and simply said: "I did."
Will he actually go? Will he come back? What about his movies? We don't know if we're OK with this…
Images: Time