Kesha on navigating Christmas when you live with a mental illness
There are few among us who don't know someone who dreads the holiday season each year.
Whether they're experiencing financial difficulties, enduring a bereavement or suffer from a condition which makes constant socialising and compulsory joviality almost agonising, not everyone awaits the festive season with bated breath.
Tapping into this all too familiar truth in a recent article for Time magazine, Kesha encouraged readers to navigate the festivities with the welfare of one person in mind – themselves.
"All those plans and expectations of joy can turn tougher than they sound," Kesha acknowledged.
"This is especially true for those of us who struggle with mental illness – be it depression, anxiety, addiction or any other challenges."
"In so many ways, the holidays can throw you off your game – and that can shake you. When you have a routine, it’s easier to manage whatever mental struggles you may be faced with, and when that routine is broken, it can trigger things you may not be ready to face."
Uttering a sentiment which will resonate with millions, Kesha confided: "Around the holidays, I often feel like I’m supposed to be everywhere, with everyone — all with the added guilt that it’s the season of giving."
"To fight this, I’ve developed a mantra: It’s not selfish to take time for yourself," she encouraged.
Reminding readers that Christmas is as much about taking a step back as it is diving in, the 30-year-old urged anyone struggling to ignore the incessant soundtrack of the season, and simply take time to just be.
"It’s not your responsibility to try to make the whole world happy. Especially since sometimes it’s not that easy to make yourself happy, either — even with all the celebrations and gifts and seasonal decorations, foods and drinks, which can only do so much."
"So don’t ask yourself things like “It’s almost Christmas, why am I not happy?” That can turn into a shame cycle. It’s just another day — don’t put unrealistic expectations on it, and don’t beat yourself up."
If you listen to no other advice this week, listen to that.