How to keep the fire burning


When two people have been together for a long time, things can start to get a bit monotonous. You wake up together, eat together, sleep together – it just seems like the two of you do everything together, right?

While it can be perfectly normal to fall into a routine when you’re in a long-term relationship, it’s never a good idea to stay in it.

Here’s how you two can spice things up:

  • Plan a weekend getaway, even if you’re just going out to the countryside, a new scenery is always a good thing.
  • Send each other unexpected text messages during the day. It can be a cute text or a dirty one – the key is to put a smile on his face.
  • Take turns massaging one another. This will help the two of you unwind and allows for some bonding time.
  • Surprise him with breakfast in bed. This might remind him that it’s the little things that count – and he just might return the favour.