DIY: How to make your own hand cream to cure your cracked hands


Now that the winter season is in full swing, we are starting to notice a difference in the appearance and feel of our hands. Flaked, dry, cracked and tender skin is not what we signed up for!

There are many, many hand creams on the market today that can help you to soothe your weathered hands. However, if you are a crafty person who enjoys making their own beauty products, then you may wish to create your own!

We have come across a stunning hand cream recipe from Australian brand Blooming Mandala, which we guarantee you will love. Fully customisable to your own preferences, this hand cream will be sure to help your hands to get back to their sumptuous, soft state!

So, if you want to get creative and treat your hands to a new cream, then look no further:

Makes: 120ml

Prep time: 5 minutes

Making time: 10 minutes


60g organic unrefined shea butter

1/2 tbsp (5g) beeswax pastilles

25g extra virgin olive oil (any carrier oil will work but olive oil adds extra softness)

20-30 drops essential oil (optional)


Combine the shea butter, beeswax and oil in an old, clean jar and melt the ingredients together by placing the jar in a pot of simmering water.

Once melted, carefully remove the jar from the pot of water and wait a few minutes for it to cool, before adding your fragrance. Some of our favourite essential oils to add are lavender, rose and cedarwood. Many of these have properties that are beneficial for your dry hands, too!

Combine everything well together, and transfer to a small jar.

How to use:

Apply to dry hands as required. A little goes a long way – the cream should leave your hands feeling soft, with no oily residue.
