Detox Delights: 4 cleansing ingredients to add to your water
Whether it's the Bank Holiday, a family event or even just a Friday night by the telly, sometimes all of us fall off the healthy-living wagon.
And a good detox can often help get things rolling again.
Far from advocating extreme celebrity detox diets, we’re much more in favour of simple changes to help cleanse the body and kick-start our healthy regime again.
And one of the simplest changes we can make is that to our water.
By adding one of these ingrediants to your two litres, you’ll be doing your body the world of good.
As well as being incredibly refreshing, mint leaves in your water can help settle your stomach as well as ease digestion.
A few thin slices of ginger can do wonders for your digestive system as well as easing unsettled tummies.
It’s been used in spas for years and there’s very good reason.
Cucumber water is excellent for rehydration as well as boasting anti-inflammatory properties for those days we’re feeling a little bloated.
Ditch the bottled lemon waters which often contain tonnes of sugar and make your own instead.
Helping cleanse and alkalise your body, lemon water is as detoxifying as it is tasty.